Iva Lulashi
Theft of Royal Sleep
2015, Albania
About Iva Lulashi
Born in 1988 in Tirana, she graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Venice, where she lives and works. “My work is a research of what might be called the essence of the image, where it is no longer a representation of reality, instead it becomes reality itself. “Theft of Royal Sleep” is a work that represents the involuntary memory and the sudden and spontaneous memory lived in the past, but that vibrates in the present”.
2014 “Armonia imposta”, Tulla Culture Center, Tirana, Albania
2014 “La risposta è nel tempo”, Museo dell’arte fabbrile e delle coltellerie, Maniago, Italy
2012 “Memories”, Tirana Ekspres, Tirana, Albania
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