EJAlbum organized this exhibition and the related “Lectio Magistralis” in collaboration with DokuTIFF and with the support of the European University of Tirana. The exhibition was one of the best Tirana Open art events.
We involved 6 Albanian artists in the project: Adnan Beci, Armand Habazaj, Armand Sallabanda, Blerta Kambo, Bevis Fusha and Olta Bello. The theme was: “The best camera is the one you have with you”. It is the first of a cycle of artistic events, as always in our tradition. Many artists will be invited to these exhibitions and meetings, artists who, like us, embrace the idea that good photography does not depend at all on the technique used by the photographer, but rather on the ideas or the message. So, let’s place a milestone at the point where art intersects with photography, this also in Albania. The photographs can derive from everything that technically allows the creation of an image, even from a smartphone. A good photography is always measured by the realization of its purpose. That is, beyond the technique.
The exhibition was curated by Albes Fusha. The meeting was chaired by Elton Koritari and the well-known artist Alban Hajdinaj and had a very large participation and a warm welcome from the public. We take the opportunity to thank here Agron Domi,Vasken Spiru, Andy Vercani and all our staff for organizing this event.
The exhibition was open from 11 to 15, May2015, at the TEN Center in Tirana. The printed photographs of the exhibition will be permanently displayed at the headquarters of the European University of Tirana. Here are some photos from the exhibition and event for which we thank the photographer Andis Rado: