Leon Çika

Old Bazar of Gjirokastra

2015, Albania


About Leon Çika

Born in Tirana in 1954, he graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana, Painting Department, in 1976. During the ‘80s he worked for the murals and engravings of Gjergj Kastrioti in Kruja. He has managed the Department of Photography, Albanian Telegraphic Agency, as well as the Department of Photography, Enver Hoxha Museum in Tirana. After the ‘90s, he has taught photography in the Academy of Fine Arts in Tirana. He currently is a photojournalist for various TV stations and news agencies.


2012 Solo exhibition, Kledio Gallery, Tirana, Albania
2010 Group exhibition, Civic Art Gallery, Pogradec, Albania
2005-2006 “Tourism in Albania”, Solo photo exhibition, National Gallery of Arts, Tirana, Albania
1998-1999 Group exhibitions, Rogner Hotel, Tirana, Albania




Albania / Knots


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