Staff &
In team management methodologies, the hierarchy is the standart that every company applies to the workforce. In EJAlbum we believe that this century belongs to new management models. So, we chose another model, an horizontal one, in which the teamwork has become an art. Our staff manages the projects individually and in collaboration, according to the type and specifications of the project and we can proudly say that it is one of the best in Albania. At least we're sure he's the most creative. It's just a dream team.
Cooperate with EJAlbum
Internal Staff:

Cooperate with EJAlbum
External staff:

Dedicated to:
Julinda Mbrica – Co Founder
One of the pioneers of clinical psychology in Albania and co-founder of EJAlbum. PR of the company until October 25, 2014, the day she tragically lost her life in a car accident in Milan. She has the power to continuallyupdatewith creativity EJAlbum being the author of many realized projects, by guiding all the working teams, including the projects "Days of the Great Photography", "AE Academy Albania", "Imago Mundi in Albania" etc.
We dedicate to Julinda the success of our work, being the daily motivation to continue the work raised over the years with dedication, effort and passion. Julinda’s contribution has already created a tradition, a philosophy and a way of doingand is deeply impressed in the mission and vision of EJAlbum. Juli, we are still here!
It is impossible to mention all our collaborators over the years. There are also many other people who are constantly involved in our projects and events, including most of our photographers,customers, with whom we have created a close and unique relationship of collaboration and friendship. We haven't forgotten anyone, it will never happen. We take this opportunity to thank them for the appreciated contribution and their disposal every time EJAlbum calls.
As mentioned above, we conceived this company as a powerful hub that allows concrete cooperation between specialistsand authorities by always creating teams in synchronization and in a positive environment, always giving priceless results.
Thank you for existing EJAlbum girls and boys!